Wappen Andreas R. Hassl



Status of my creative activities in October, 2024

Contemporary News:

♦  I have been retired since October 1, 2023. The homepage will be gradually adapted.  ♦

creative work:

no.identifierstartco-operator / clientlegal formbrief description
4422-Hygiene29.04.2022Working group History of Medicine and Medical Humanities of the Commission for History and Philosophy of Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences potestasThe Glory and the Plight of the Austrian Medical Hygiene
4321-Hyg01.12.2021Working group History of Medicine and Medical Humanities of the Commission for History and Philosophy of Science of the Austrian Academy of Sciences ad personamThe Rise and Fall of the University Institute for Hygiene in Vienna

obligations underway:

performance as government official underway:

performance of the private office Micro-Biology Consult Dr. Andreas Hassl underway:

latest update: 03.10.2024